16 October 2009

high dependency

We're back from a couple of days spent in hospital with Milo. He's fine, but it's his second time (the first was about a month ago) in with breathing difficulties caused by a viral chest infection. He had to work very hard to breathe when he went in. You could see his stomach sucking in, and he was using every muscle in his top half just to get air in and out. We stayed in what was called the high dependency unit, where you need a bit more regular attention. But now, thanks to lots of inhalers, nebulisers, steroids and other things he's much, much better. The NHS is a funny thing, and I know this isn't everyone's experience. We had to tell the same story and give the same details about five or six times within the space of a few hours. As a customer journey or relationship thing, that's a bit bonkers. But the people, all of them, from the paramedics who took us in the ambulance to the A&E doctors, to the nurses, doctors and consultant on the children's ward, were absolutely incredible. You could not fault the level of care and attention to detail. They remembered our names, had proper conversations, remembered our stories and who we are, and passed it on from shift to shift. When by comparison you consider how much many commercial companies invest in their CRM and still get it massively wrong, you realise that the NHS has a lot right with it. And probably the thing that makes the difference is the thing that underlies any customer relationship programme that works: people who care.

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At 10/19/2009 05:06:00 am , Blogger real men write long copy said...

we had a swine flu scare with Mini Mance a while back - not as bad as yours, the whole thing was over in a few hours, but at the time I meant to write about how much i loved the nhs and never did.

I called the hotline or whatever it's called at 4am. I thought the nurse might be a bit annoyed that I’d woken her up. Especially on the grounds the little 'un had ‘a temperature’. But she sounded pretty alert and was very thorough, proficient and patient with paranoid freaking parents.

We then got a call back three hours later checking up. Kickass customer service.

At 10/24/2009 02:50:00 am , Blogger james said...

thanks dave - i completely agree.

lots of people have good reason to complain about the systems involved in getting in, through and out of the nhs. but, at least on my experience so far, you couldn't ever complain about the people who keep it ticking over.

most importantly, glad mini-mance was ok.


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