5 September 2009


Smokescreen Game from Six to Start on Vimeo.

Smokescreen is a new online game story by Six to Start for Channel 4. I'm loving future-ish media projects like this at the moment. And Channel 4 seems to just churn them out with things like Yeardot, Battlefront already under their belts. Smokescreen is a game that centres on an imagined social network called White Smoke, spilling across IM, games, phone calls, podcasts and suchlike. It's a story that spins out through play across all these mediums. The future-ishness isn't just in the transmedia storytelling; it's also in the theme of identity and relationships that spills out of the social setting. It's about who you want to be, who you can trust and how you make those decisions. It feels like it emerges from the lives of its target audience, making it a Very Good Thing indeed. More things should be like this. So that's that.

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