And so onto my highlights from this year...
1. good projects
I don't talk about my work that much on this blog. Don't know why that is. But I had a few especiallygoodprojects this year. I worked with interesting people, did some naming projects, wrote lots of stuff, art directed other bits, worked on Facebook apps, and was the voice of a brand in various social spaces.
I enjoyed them, was tested creatively and in other ways, got good feedback (mostly) and learned a lot. Oh, and Contagious magazine said the first one "put shame in the game of many youth brands".
I'll take that quite happily.
2. my son's first birthday
Milo's birthday weekend was so, so good. The best two days of the year. We went to see Pop at the Tate Modern, and he loved most of it, especially the Takashi Murakami and Damien Hirst rooms.
The next day we had 40 or so friends and family over for his birthday party. There was cake and there were goody bags, as there should be at every good party. And we got him a trike that he loves.
3. watchmen marketingWatchmen was a transmedia narrative par excellence, with games, mock documentaries, printed stuff, music videos and more springing up around it. The distributed story was so good you almost didn't need to see the movie.
4. robots were awesome
They really were. There were great things like Chalkbot and Katy's presentations for Interesting and Playful too.
5. slow projects
Earlier this year I felt like I was losing track of writing for my own fun. So I've made a point of making time for it. It's starting to pay off too. I enjoyed NaNoWriMo, although I didn't get far. I had a bit of success with Leaf Books and a couple of other things.
There have also been Crossrail Pop-up Pop and a bigger thing, which I've often obliquely referred to but never got round to finishing. So maybe that'll show up one day soon. The point is to start these things, even if you may never finish.
Hiya, just wanted to say thanks so much for the v nice comments about the robots + play decks - glad to know there are so many other robot enthusiasts out there! All best for a cracking 2010 :)
Hiya, just wanted to say thanks so much for the v nice comments about the robots + play decks - glad to know there are so many other robot enthusiasts out there! All best for a cracking 2010 :)
Hey Katy, you're very welcome and thanks very much for stopping by to comment.
Hope you have a robo-2010 :)
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